Massive photo dump, now that Knock has wifi! Greetings from Damascus, VA.
Lake Watauga! Beautiful hike around the edge of the lake. (Also, we saw Cliffhanger moon us across the lake. Way to go, Cliffhanger.) From left: Burnout, Scout, BFG (formerly Gruffalo), Giggles (formerly Gumbi), Honeybuns.
The wheelchair-accessible and gorgeous path before Abingdon Gap Shelter.
Panorama of Lake Watauga
Team Pie at Hey Joe’s in Damascus
The women of our hiking bubble! Top row: Unhinged, Chanti, Copperhead. Below: Eveready, Knock, Giggles.
Damascus Brewery. Every beer we tried was fantastic AND $4. From left: Stardust, Yogi, Burnout, Honeybuns, Scout.
Scout teaches Honeybuns to two-step. (In fairness, he taught us ALL how to two-step.) Sorry for the potato-quality photo, we were all exceptionally sober.
Fairly average resupply, for four days or so to Marion. Dem caloriez.